This week, 12/29/08, there has been some suspicious activity around the Waterford/Loch Road area. Monday night there was a white van driving slowly around the neighborhood, driving around several times. Tuesday, during the day, the Merchant family arrived home to a young man standing in their driveway. Once the young man noticed their car turn into their driveway, he asked them for $5. The Merchants house is on Loch Drive, but on the corner of Waterford beside the lake.
It is important that we keep our eyes and ears open and all take action to any unusual activity that we may see around the neighborhood. Especially this time of year when several families may not be home. Even if you're not sure if someone is home or out of town, it's better to be safe and contact the non-emergency line at the Police Department. Together, this is how we can prevent crime and keep our community safe. Please notify your block neighbors who do not have access to this email.
Winston-Salem Police Department non-emergency line: 336-773-7700