Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Recent Car Break-Ins

Dear Neighbors,

We have heard from some neighbors on Belwick that there have been some break-ins to cars parked outside. Here is the email about break ins on Belwick.
from Oakland neighbor:
I received a message from a neighbor on Belwick Drive alerting me that two unlocked cars were broken into last night. This is a quick message out to everyone as a reminder to keep your homes and cars locked and to keep on the look-out for any strange behavior. If you see or suspect anything, trust your instincts and go ahead and contact the Police department. You can call either 911 or the non-emergency number of 773-7700.

Catherine Jourdan, Watch Captain
Neighborhood Watch #156
3131 Waterford Rd

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

National Night Out - Tuesday, August 3, 6:00 - 8:30pm

Neighborhood Watch Potluck

National Night Out/Neighborhood Watch #156
Tuesday, August 3rd, 6-8:30pm
Town and Country Swimming Pool

$1 per person
$3 max for family of 4 or more

Door Prizes Galore!!

  • $40 worth of gift certificates from Zoe’s restaurant
  • $20 gift certificate Golden India
  • $10 gift certificate Malay
  • One free haircut at The Cutting Edge with Greg Felts
  • 2 one month membership at Gold’s Gym
  • Half price massage with massage therapist Beth Blair
  • Free/private yoga lesson with Lynn Felder
  • Gift bag from Starbucks
  • Burger King gift certificate
  • Dewey’s Bakery gift certificate
  • Lowe’s Food $10 money card!
  • Rose’s Deli… free meal
  • Fourway restaurant.. dinner for 2
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken coupons
MUSIC BY MICHAEL BROOKS your neighbor on Kingston!

CONTACT YOUR BLOCK CAPTAIN TO RSVP. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!! BRING YOUR SWIM SUIT! Everyone is asked to contribute to the meal by bringing a dish.

  • Ana Tampana 768-9992 Belwick
  • Helen Akinc 725-4147 Briarcliff
  • Rosa Johnson 723-8574 Briarcliff,
  • Barbara Taylor, Communication liason Briarcliff
  • David Rodwell 995-8863 Kingston (top ½)
  • Tammy Byrd 655-5326 Kingston (lower ½)
  • Bob Conn 777-1723 Loch (Briarcliff to Reynolda)
  • Christina/Dave Thomas 724-7135 Loch Dr (mid)
  • Grace Renna: 659-9187 Loch Dr above lake to Ransom
  • Sally Mercer 760-2153 Oakland cul de sac
  • Britt/Hans Mittemeijer 765-8989 Oakland
  • Billy Chambers 768-7612 Shannon
  • Karlynn Morgan –Shannon 649-8010
  • Linda Hinshaw 768-6745 Wicklow
  • Andy & Heidi 403-0119 Waterford
  • Chancel Brown: 723-3894 Wedgefield

WATCH CAPTAIN: Catherine Jourdan
3131 Waterford Rd: 725 7304

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Recycling Project...We Need Your Help

Dear Neighbors,
We have been in touch with City Link who tells us the city has a grant to conduct a Pilot Program for changing the way we do recycling. It will require 85% of the residents to be in agreement and if we can get Town and Country to respond we can get this neat service. Call 727-8000 or go to the City Link website and ask to do a Live Chat.
Reference this number: 91377
This is the number the guy at City Link gave us to say we are nominated as the Trial Neighborhood for the pilot program.

New Rollout Recycling Project
Thanks to a $100,000 state grant, the Sanitation Division is looking for neighborhoods that want to participate in a rollout recycling pilot project. Residents will have free use of a large, 96-gallon rollout cart for all their recyclables – no sorting or separation needed! The carts offer greater convenience and save time, because they only need to be put it out every other week! The lid keeps recyclables dry and protects residents’ privacy.

The city will benefit by not having to collect recycling every week. Recycling trucks will use less fuel and the automated equipment will collect faster than manual collection with the green bins. This means less pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions.

The program will be open for only 1,800 homes, and neighborhoods must have 85 percent participation to qualify. To nominate your neighborhood for the pilot program, call City Link at 727-8000.

Monday, January 25, 2010

ALERT - Attempted Breakins while residents are home

There are new break ins in our neighborhood and we must ever be alert to stop these brazen criminals. This past Sunday, broad daylight break-ins at busy Loch Dr and Briarcliffe Rd.

Sunday evening, while the residents were at home, someone tried to break in a home on Oakland Drive. Their alarm was on so the person left but the police were called. Also there were a bunch of police cars on Tangle earlier Sunday evening, so sometimes these folks try to hit multiple places at once. If you are so inclined when you read this call one or two of your neighbors and alert them.

Additionally, this weekend a dark blue Honda Accord (4 door) with a license plate beginning with Z was seen trolling on Briarcliffe Court and Briarcliffe Rd. (Briarcliffe Court is behind the pool, off Briarcliffe). An alert neighbor noticed and called the police who came quickly.

There is some thought that persons on motor scooters/mopeds etc still may be cruising the neighborhood and looking for houses where no one is at home and they kick in a door and go in and fill up their back packs with computers, digital cameras, jewelry, etc. So if you see any scooters/mopeds take good notice of the type, license tag etc and jot it down. If they appear suspicious or are stopped in a driveway where you know they do NOT live, call the non emergency number and report it (773-7700). Take down as much identifying information as is possible.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Break-in Alert

There has been a break in this past week on the corner of Briarcliffe and Loch. There is some concern that young people on mopeds or scooters are going around and breaking in and taking whatever they can put into their back packs. Several neighbors have seen a nicely dressed (shirt/tie) young African American male on a scooter (red, white, blue with the words Peace on it) sitting in a driveway twice this past week. He was on Loch Drive up from the lake on the left and talking on his phone. Also, another young African American male on a black scooter with silver trim has been spotted cruisng through the neighborhood, entering and exiting Tangle Road from Valley Road. Someone has seen this specific scooter coming from the area at the other end of Valley Road, where it crosses Old Yadkinville Road, across from the Wilco Hess station that sits at the corner of Valley and Old Yadkinville Road. These could be the same person, or they could be working together.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Emergency Block Captain Meeting

Sunday Afternoon, January 3,

At the Home of:
Catherine Jourdan
3131 Waterford Road
(336) 725-7304

Hello Block Captains,

We are calling an emergency Block Captain meeting to discuss action we might be able to take in detecting these crooks who are breaking into people's homes and are now targeting Town and Country.
There will be a police officer in attendance to help us and of course our own Ronnie Abernathy will be there and assist us in coming up with a plan for patrolling our neighborhood and increasing our vigilance in watching for this teal blue car and any other unusual activity. The meeting will be held at the home of:
Catherine Jourdan
3131 Waterford Road
(336) 725-7304

Please RSVP by emailing Catherine Jourdan to let her know if you have received her emails and if you can come.

Catherine Jourdan, Watch Captain
Town and Country Neighbhorhood Watch 156
3131 Waterford Road
(336) 725-7304