Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Recycling Project...We Need Your Help

Dear Neighbors,
We have been in touch with City Link who tells us the city has a grant to conduct a Pilot Program for changing the way we do recycling. It will require 85% of the residents to be in agreement and if we can get Town and Country to respond we can get this neat service. Call 727-8000 or go to the City Link website and ask to do a Live Chat.
Reference this number: 91377
This is the number the guy at City Link gave us to say we are nominated as the Trial Neighborhood for the pilot program.

New Rollout Recycling Project
Thanks to a $100,000 state grant, the Sanitation Division is looking for neighborhoods that want to participate in a rollout recycling pilot project. Residents will have free use of a large, 96-gallon rollout cart for all their recyclables – no sorting or separation needed! The carts offer greater convenience and save time, because they only need to be put it out every other week! The lid keeps recyclables dry and protects residents’ privacy.

The city will benefit by not having to collect recycling every week. Recycling trucks will use less fuel and the automated equipment will collect faster than manual collection with the green bins. This means less pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions.

The program will be open for only 1,800 homes, and neighborhoods must have 85 percent participation to qualify. To nominate your neighborhood for the pilot program, call City Link at 727-8000.